
Publication Sample

Rutherford, A., Vaughn-Johnson, K., & Rodkey, E. (2015). Does psychology have a gender?. The Psychologist, 28(6), 508-511.
Vaughn, K. (2011). Equality advocate: Alberta Banner Turner (1909-2008).  The Feminist Psychologist (38)1.
Rutherford, A., Vaughn-Blount, K., & Ball, L. C. (2011). Responsible opposition, disruptive voices: Science, social change, and the history of feminist psychology.  Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34. 460-473.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Spring 2010). Tattered Umbrellas: Douglas Fryer and the Handbook of Applied Psychology. APA Division 1 Newsletter: The General Psychologist 45, 37-40.
Rutherford, A., & Vaughn-Blount, K. (2010). Georgia Babladelis (1931-2009): Breaking traditions, building foundations. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34. 5-6.

Vaughn-Blount, K., Rutherford, A., Baker, D., & Johnson, D. (2009). History's mysteries, demystified: Becoming a psychologist-historian. American Journal of Psychology. 122(1). 117-129.

Vaughn-Blount, K. (2006, Spring).  Will you remember me? The women of psychology. The Feminist Psychologist, 33(2), 16,28.

Oral History/ Interviews/ Biographical Profiles

In A. Rutherford (Ed.), Psychology's Feminist Voices Multimedia Internet Archive. 

Rutherford, A., & Vaughn, K.(2010). Oral History Interview with Wendy Hollway 
Vaughn, K. (2010) Profile of Christine Ladd-Franklin
Vaughn, K., & Ball, L.C. (2009) Oral History Interview with Lisa Serbin
Rutherford, A., Vaughn, K., & Ball, L.C. (2009) Oral History Interview with Cannie Stark.  
Vaughn, K., & Ball, L.C. (2009) Oral History Interview with Hilary Lips.  

Association for Psychological Science (APS) Observer

Vaughn-Blount, K. (April, 2008) Champions of psychology: Interview with Nora Newcombe. Observer, 21(4). 32-34.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (February, 2008) Champions of psychology: Interview with Lisa Diamond. Observer, 21(2). 31-33.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (September, 2007) Champions of psychology: Interview with Linda Woolf. Observer, 20(8).  

Book Chapter 
Vaughn-Johnson, K., & Rutherford, A. (2019). Uncovering Diversity: Teaching critical, multivocal histories of psychology. In K. Quina & J.A. Mena (Eds). Integrating Multiculturalism and Intersectionality Into the Psychology Curriculum: Strategies for Instructors. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Publication Sample

Rodkey, E. & Vaughn-Johnson, K. (2018, October). Problematic Women: Psychology, Gender, and Health in North America. Revista Psicologia e Saúde, 10(3).
                                                                                                  Rutherford, A., Vaughn-Johnson, K., & Rodkey, E. (2015). Does psychology have a gender?. The Psychologist, 28(6), 508-511.
Vaughn, K. (2011). Equality advocate: Alberta Banner Turner (1909-2008).  The Feminist Psychologist (38)1.
Rutherford, A., Vaughn-Blount, K., & Ball, L. C. (2011). Responsible opposition, disruptive voices: Science, social change, and the history of feminist psychology.  Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34. 460-473.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Spring 2010). Tattered Umbrellas: Douglas Fryer and the Handbook of Applied Psychology. APA Division 1 Newsletter: The General Psychologist 45, 37-40.
Rutherford, A., & Vaughn-Blount, K. (2010). Georgia Babladelis (1931-2009): Breaking traditions, building foundations. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34. 5-6.

Vaughn-Blount, K., Rutherford, A., Baker, D., & Johnson, D. (2009). History's mysteries, demystified: Becoming a psychologist-historian. American Journal of Psychology. 122(1). 117-129.

Vaughn-Blount, K. (2006, Spring).  Will you remember me? The women of psychology. The Feminist Psychologist, 33(2), 16,28.
?[Music Library] Bronze statue of Mozart by Barrias
?[Music Library] Bronze statue of Mozart by Barrias (original in Vienna), presented to Music Library by Mrs. Sandor Harmati? by New York Public Library is licensed under CC0 1.0

Book Chapter 
Vaughn-Johnson, K., & Rutherford, A. (In press). Uncovering Diversity: Teaching critical, multivocal histories of psychology. In K. Quina & J.A. Mena (Eds). Teaching a Multiculturalism-Informed Psychology of People (sec 1). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

A female brain, sectioned vertically: side view. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809..

Credit: Wellcome Collection.